Monday, July 7, 2008

Creating Local Repo for RHEL 5.0 or CentOS 5.0

Dependencies is very troublesome when we use rpm to install packages. Sometimes, it becomes never ending loop until we give up. Packages like dovecot, httpd and so forth are the best installed using yum commands, while installing local repo itself is quite tricky job.
In this post, I try to explain as short and brief as I can:

1. Copy the whole content of the DVD or CDs that you have to folder /var/ftp/pub. In this case we are going to create repo using ftp.
Do this command to copy:
# mount /mnt/cdrom /media/CentOS
# cp -af /media/CentOS/* /var/ftp/pub

2. After you've done copying all of those files (please, note to answer yes when it asked about replacing some files), install createrepo .rpm
# rpm -ivh /var/ftp/pub/createrepo*.rpm

3. After you install createrepo then run this command
# createrepo -v /var/ftp/pub

4. To enable useful yum commands, please, check my previous post like:
yum -y groupinstall "MySQL Database" and so forth, you have to run the following command
# cp /var/ftp/pub/Server/repodata/comps*.xml /tmp
# createrepo -g /tmp/comps*.xml /var/ftp/pub

5. Done and remember to reboot the server.

6. On your client machine please, create a repo file (for example: server1.repo)

7. Here is the content of server1.repo

# Main server
name=Server1 Server Repository
# This could be anything
baseurl= # This is the IP address of our ftp server
# Just make it zero if you haven't or don't want to import the GPG key

8. Copy the file server1.repo to your client machine folder under /etc/yum.repos.d/
if you did right the following is the output after you run: yum grouplist

Loading "security" plugin
Loading "rhnplugin" plugin
Setting up Group Process
Installed Groups:
MySQL Database
System Tools
Text-based Internet
Legacy Network Server
DNS Name Server
GNOME Desktop Environment
FTP Server
Network Servers
Windows File Server
X Window System
Web Server


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